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Calling it the largest economic investment in Saluda County history, 萨鲁达县供水和下水道管理局 (Authority) Chairman Jerry Strawbridge announced a $20.1 Million Water Treatment Plant (WTP) will be built withdrawing water from Lake Murray.  该工厂将获得12美元的资金支持,543,贷款000, a $7,133,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture - Rural Development (USDA-RD), 还有500美元,由管理局支付的1万英镑.  Strawbridge说 the Authority’s goal is for the WTP to serve the needs of all citizens throughout the County, 农村和城市.  This is the first step in obtaining the capacity to achieve the Authority’s goal.

Strawbridge credited the work of the Authority’s General Manager Jason Fell.  Fell is an engineer 和 a former employee of the USDA-RD.  He understood 和 accomplished the steps necessary to make the WTP funding a reality, Strawbridge说.  Strawbridge also thanked USDA-RD for their extraordinary efforts.  They were instrumental in obtaining the funding, which includes an unprecedented $7.拨款一千三百万元.  USDA-RD understood the grant allocated would allow Authority to be competitive in selling wholesale water to its neighbors 和 avoiding price hikes to the Authority’s customers.

费尔宣布:“现在是工作的时候了.费尔表示,管理局的工程师, 来自康威的MBD咨询工程师, SC和Hulsey, 麦考密克和华莱士离开皮埃蒙特, SC, have already begun in earnest 和 are eager to be under construction quickly. The Authority’s Engineers estimate that the project will be bid by early next year 和 will be under construction by next spring.  WTP项目中包含了一个新的, 20-inch finished water main to interconnect the WTP with the existing distribution system through a new, 1 million gallon elevated storage tank at the Traffic Circle.  The elevated storage tank will enable the Authority to adequately supply water pressure throughout the County.

出席宣布仪式的是共和党众议员. 拉尔夫·肯尼迪,参议员. Shane Massey 和 Jan Harman 和 Rick Adkins from the office of Third District Congressman Jeff Duncan, Authority board members in attendance were Jerry Strawbridge, 吉米Gillian, 鲍勃·尼尔森和艾尔·史蒂文斯, 和管理局的工作人员.  森. 弗洛伊德·尼科尔森,众议员. 比尔·克莱伯恩和范·卡托,参议员. 林赛·格雷厄姆的办公室, 被邀请, 但每个人都有事先的承诺, 管理局董事会成员蒂姆·泰勒也是如此.  Kennedy 和 Massey both congratulated the Authority 和 pledged their continued support of projects that work for the betterment of the quality of life in Saluda County.

Harman applauded the Authority 和 all of the political leaders of Saluda County for their commitment to the future.  作为一个小镇的本地人, 卡尔霍恩瀑布, Harman said he understood the importance of projects that spur economic development.  He told how the 卡尔霍恩瀑布’ airport is now used by officials from nearby industries.  He applauded Saluda County’s upgrades at the Saluda County Airport. He said the airport 和 the WTP project would pay dividends in the long run.

菲尔赞扬了美国农业部- rd, 特别提到了维尼塔·多, 米歇尔Cardwell, 乔治•希克斯, 和 Rusty Craven for their work to make the Water Treatment Plant project a reality in such a short amount of time.  费尔赞扬了他的董事会的远见和支持. Never has the board waivered from their aim in obtaining funding for the WTP.  “董事会支持我的每一步.  Jerry, specifically, went above 和 beyond what is expected of a Chairman.  Without his leadership, this day might not have ever come.菲尔还把赞扬转移到他的员工身上.  管理局拥有一支能干和专业的队伍.  他说:“我的员工让我看起来很好. Each of them deserve a lot of credit for this success.”

In conclusion, Strawbridge thanked everyone in attendance for their support.  He said the Water Treatment Plant will be paid for by “a lot of $27 a month water bills.”  The Authority has faith the Water Treatment Plant will also pave the way for growth of its residential customers throughout Saluda County as well as a catalyst for economic growth in Saluda County.



高速公路上的下水道工程. 23、由S.C. 部门. of Commerce, Aiken Electric Cooperative 和 Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative, is under construction. This project will enable the expansion of Amick Farms operations, which will lead to 76 new jobs. The Columbia Farms Feed Mill will also benefit from this sewer line.  


The Spann Road Waterline Project is under construction on Spann Road, funded by CDBG. It will provide water to over 40 residential customers as well as Clyde’s Chapel. It also aligns with the Authority’s master plan to provide water to the entire county.



萨鲁达县供水和下水道管理局 Launches a Website

Working harder to better serve 和 communicate with our community we have launched a new website for our water customers.  看看它,让我们知道你的想法.  现在订阅!